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Contact Malcolm
Advertise with us


Antigua Barbados Florida Grenada Kenya Nerja St Lucia St Kitts & Nevis Tobago

             Site Map >

Gosport Alverstoke Alver Lake

Covering: Alverstoke, Bridgemary, Elson, Forton, Rowner
Lee on the Solent, Crofton, Peel Common


Although every attempt is made to keep this website up to date, there will inevitably be addresses, emails, telephone numbers etc that change over time.
Please let us know if you find any old or erroneous details on our site.
Malcolm Dent
You can join in by going to our FB page


Welcome to 2025.
Following a great Christmas sleighride we look forward to an exciting year for Gosport.

Face visors for NHS

as well as
Team Scrubbers serving Southampton / Portsmouth/Gosport NHS areas with scrubs
Making, financing and distributing over 9,000 sets of scrubs.
Scrubs for QA Hospital

Currently we are distributing free face masks on behalf of
Gosport crafters without borders
War Memorial visors_masks

To view our Gosport Archive video section click here....

View some of our other holiday destination videos
Antigua video   Barbados video  Corfu video Grenada video
St Kitts & Nevis video   St Lucia video   Tobago video
Kenya video   Gosport video


Do you have old Cine films tucked away in the Attic?
Let us transfer them for you for as little as £6 for each 50ft (min £25)

Transfer your old videos from VHS, 8MM, Betamax to DVD
From only £6  per tape

Cine films to video or DVD
£8 per 50ft (min £25)








With Camper and Nicholson's Boatyard now only a part of Gosport Memory, I have compiled a selection of photographs showing the famous Gosport Boatyard at the height of its power.

Ever wonder where you could find a list of all the Mayors of Gosport?

The Borough of Gosport sits on a peninsular facing the City of Portsmouth on one side and the Solent looking out to the Isle of Wight on the other, with Fareham forming it's landward border.. Formed by the amalgamation of the villages of Alverstoke, Brockhurst, Forton, Elson, Lee on the Solent, Bridgemary and Rowner, it has evolved from a bustling Naval armaments dormitory to a thriving yachting and boating town, for ever in touch with it's nautical traditions from it's early history to the 21st century

Our "my gosport" web offers a comprehensive review in both text, images and video of the Borough of Gosport together with it's surrounding environments, ashore and afloat.

For all My Gosport enquiries contact:
For all website queries and to add your memories of Gosport contact
Malcolm Dent on 02392 583077 07738 585544
We would like to hear from anyone who has either pictures or information we can use on our
History of Gosport pages
Your quick guide to local theatres
Kings Theatre Southsea Mayflower Theatre Southampton Ferneham Hall Fareham Guildhall Portsmouth

This website designed & hosted by
Malcolm Dent www.mddm.co.uk

 Feedback:  We continue with our efforts to  make this web useful and informative.
We  welcome your feedback or suggestions - good or bad.  Please use this email link
All trademarks and / or names are acknowledged and remain the property of their respective owners.
© MDDM 2025



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   Featured Hotel

 The Old Lodge Hotel

Old Lodge Alverstoke
Winner of 4 in a bed..

   Local Information

Advertise your business

Accountant Builder
Car Valet Cake Maker
Dance School Electrician
Fencer Garden Sheds
Hairdresser Interpreter
Joiner Lion Tamer
Estate Agent Night Club
Printer Photographer
Quality video Restaurant
Signs Travel Agent
Video Websites

   Fun Facts
By volume, the ocean makes up 99 percent of the planet's living space -- the largest space in our universe known to be inhabited by living organisms.

The planet's deepest spot is the Mariana Trench in the Pacific floor, six miles deep. For comparison, Mt. Everest is five miles high! The average depth of the ocean is about two miles.

Earth's largest continuous mountain chain is the Mid-Ocean Ridge, stretching for 40,000 miles, rising above the surface of the water in a few places, such as Iceland.